This week’s Gazette depicts the showdown between the NFT platforms Opensea and Blur. After the recent Blur airdrop things in the space have gotten heated, and large-volume traders are slowly abandoning Opensea for Blur for various reasons.
The idea for the showdown came after Opensea temporarily made changes to remain in the battle against Blur. The haste decisions from Opensea clearly show how aware they are of the shift in trading volume and the interests of traders. At first, the idea was to depict a battle scene where the two characters face off each other, but then later we decided that we can turn this into a western comic page breaking the scenes down and therefore giving us more room to develop the storyline.
Dudly made a draft of the story and made a quick sketch showing the different panels. We were gonna show a western town where a bank has been broken into and people are rushing to loot. Outside you see Blur Bandito who is throwing the money he has procured.

A short while later Opensea Sheriff enters the scene and the next thing you know there is a face-off between the two. The initial idea once the sketch is refined was to color the two characters only in orange and blue but we later decided that it was best to color the whole artwork.
I referred to Moebius’ “Blueberry”, for the color palette and way of coloring. He had a very interesting way of coloring the different panels. More than sticking to what’s required in each panel he colored the panels as though the entire page was one artwork, which made each page in the comic a masterpiece of its own. Once the artwork was complete we injected several subtle animations to bring the panels to life and make them spicier. Finally, some gunshots, bombs, neighs, and a banger spaghetti western tune later “Degen Dodge City” was ready to hit the shelves.
We look forward to finding out how these platforms will emerge and who will survive in the forthcoming years…