Unfortunately, another week where we witnessed a high-profile individual in the space compromise his possessions. This comes to show how much more the space has to grow in terms of security, to convince those that are adopting NFTs and Crypto that it is safe to do so.
The story of Kevin Rose’s compromised wallet came in the wake of several other similar incidents. Nobody saw this coming, in fact, it must have made even the most secure wallet owners re-think the possibility of being victim to such a grave situation. We took to the board with the idea of showing an owl’s abode with Kevin Rose and his possessions. The concept was to show Kevin Rose (depicted as his Moonbird) signing a transaction that immediately lets in a crow who steals the egg and goes on the run. The environment within the abode was to show the various ventures he was part of and his possessions.
If you look closely at the artwork you can see the references such as Google, where he was Senior Product Manager; Facebook where he was an early investor, Dailybooth depicted as the telephone; a book on the shelf titled “Proof XYZ” and a frame below a Squiggle sits framed. The artwork was created in a cartoon-painting style that we had earlier used for the Gazette Issue 79 “Uncle Ape Adventures”.
Once the artwork was created we divided it between what needed to be animated in AE and what was in PS. The crow thief was completely animated in PS, whereas Kevin Rose was partially animated in PS (the walk, flame, and body movements). After bringing together them all in AE we added ambient FX and music that brought the entire artwork to life. The power of soundscape is just mind-blowing.
We hope that in the future we will have to cover far lesser events like these, but for now, we have to as it creates a reminder for those who are yet to come and for those that are here.